Monday, January 25, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Action Figures) - Stitches, Illidan, Arthas, Nova, ...

Heroes of the Storm (Action Figures) - Stitches, Illidan, Arthas, Nova, Tyrael (Neca)
These are Series 1 and Series 2. Stitches is the only one who is a Deluxe Figure.
Sorry about the shaky i got atm.

You can get them here

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Tyrande Nerf, Stun Meta Toned Down (Balance Update)

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Tyrande Nerf, Stun Meta Toned Down (Balance Update)

Key Subjects :

- The Stun Meta
- Tyrande Nerf
- More Balance Updates Faster
- Lunara Buff
- Raynor Nerf
- Cleanse Buff

Official Patch Notes :
All and all a welcomed and long overdue patch. While I don't believe it is enough to break the current trend it is certainly a step in the right direction

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Xul the Necromancer Confirmed (Melee Specialist)

Dustin Browder Confirmed the Necromancer Xul as being a Melee Specialist that will soon come to Heroes of the Storm (HotS). He also confirmed Li-Ming, a ranged Assassin

Xul Abilities:

Spectral Scythe (Q) — A “reverse skill-shot,” where you lay a scythe down at a target point that swings back towards you.

Cursed Strikes (W) — Causes Xul’s basic attacks to turn into AOE and also curse enemies to reduce there attack speed by 50%. This will be good against fast heroes or multiple-Warrior team compositions.
Bone Prison (E) — A targeted ability that warns enemy heroes of their impending fate and then 2 seconds later roots them in place.
Poison Nova (R1) — AOE that comes off of Xul and spreads a huge amount of damage around him (it sounds similar to Defile in WoW). You’ll want to use this in the center of teams to maximize damage.
Skeletal Mages (R2) — A wall of mages forms at a distance, sort of like Tassadar’s Force Wall. Unlike Force Wall, though, it doesn’t block all movement but rather slows enemies hit by the mages.
Bone Armor (1 key) — Xul gets one more baseline ability to give him extra survivability when approaching the front line, a bonus shield worth 25% of his health.
Trait: Raise skeleton from fallen minions. Can have max of 4. Last 15 seconds. Good at wearing down towers/minions/blocking skill shots.

Notes: Xul is an incredibly diverse hero with a varying number of talent builds to play as you choose. You can spec into his Skeletal Minion trait to turn him into a hardcore powerful pushing character. Spectral Scythe is good for poking at enemies and lane clear. Cursed Strike is a fantastic counter to heroes who rely on attack speed like Illidan, Thrall, and Butcher. Bone prison forces an enemy to make a split-second decision as to where to move for when they are stunned. Very powerful against Jaina/Kael who have no ways to escape.

Heroes of the Storm - Li-Ming the Wizard Confirmed (Ranged Assassin)

Dustin Browder Confirmed the Wizard Li-Ming as being a Ranged Assassin that will soon come to Heroes of the Storm (HotS) He also confirmed Xul the Necromancer (Melee Specialist)

Li-Ming Abilities :

Magic Missiles (Q) - A skill-shot ability fired at a target point. This needs to be aimed very precisely, as the target point is very specific.
Arcane Orb (W) - Another skill-shot that fires at a long range and deals AOE damage on impact, but is not very fast. The trick to this is that the damage is increased the farther away Li-Ming is, so you’ll want to cast it and run to maximize damage.
Teleport (E) - A short-distance, short-cooldown teleport that is specifically characterized as the opposite of the Bolt of the Storm talent.
Disintegration Beam (R1) - Her first heroic ability which can be used to sweep back and forth across enemies and cause great damage.
Wave of Force (R2) - Her second heroic ability which lets you remotely detonate a telekinetic bomb that pushes the enemies around and is a great counter against back-line characters.
Trait: Resets all of her cooldowns, including heroics, when she's part of a kill or an Assist.

Notes: Li-Ming is easy to understand, but really getting the most out of her is extremely challenging. She apparently will be mana constrained and that's how they will balance her. Originally came out from an idea on the team to have a hero with multiple skillshots.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Two New Heroes Teased (MAYBE Wizard Li-Ming & Necromancer Zayl or Mehtan ?)

Two new Heroes where re-teased on Twitter & Facebook for Heroes of the storm. voice sounds like the Female Wizzard from Diablo III 3 (Maybe Li-Ming ) and the second one I think it can be a Necromancer... if we look at Diablo III possible choices are Zayl and Mehtan I would lean more twards Zayl

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Two New Heroes Teased (MAYBE Diablo Wizard & Kel'thuzad or Zul'jin ?)

Two new Heroes where just teased on Twitter & Facebook for Heroes of the storm.
First voice sounds like the Female Wizzard from Diablo III 3 and the second one I am not sure of... can be Kel'thuzad can be Nerh'zul can be Zul'jin ? Can't really pin-point it.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Diablo & Tyrande Kill Compilation (Meta Combo Love)

The dreaded combo Tyrande & Diablo
Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Diablo & Tyrande Kill Compilation (Meta Combo Love)

The recipe is simple: you take one piece of Diablo and put him in lane with Tyrande.
Press Q button (Overdrive) on Diablo character, grab the target and flip it around. Tyrande stays on her toes and instantly uses her lunar flare, and apply hunter's mark on the target. After that at will! job's done, target acquired and hopefully target dead!
A match made in Heaven!

Video done by Ani