Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kuva Twin Stubbas Build 2019 (Guide) - The DubbaStubba (Warframe Gameplay)

The Original version of the Stubba was never really something fantastic but the Kuva Twin Stubbas improves greatly on that original recipe!

The Kuva version comes with a much higher magazine of one hundred and fourteen, better fire rate and a much higher status chance clocking-in at thirty one percent! The weapon maintain its original critical chance and critical multiplier so you can simply see it as a different version of the Dex Furis which is great thing considering that the Dex is not available all year around!

The weapon ca be build for slash but the issues because the high base impact value which leads us to use Maim to offset this aspect which is definitely not ideal but it does work!
The weapon shines a lot brighter when used with a straight elemental combo such as Corrosive or Gas depending on what the situation calls for. With that in mind I would recommend a Gas or Electricity or Heat progenitor when trying to farm Kuva Lich for it.
Riven disposition sits at three out of five which is normal for any brand new weapon added to Warframe.

In the past spray and pray weapons such as these use to have a big issue with ammunition but now since we got the Plexilus mod slot for primary and secondary weapons we can fit a ammo mutation mod and rest a lot easier!

Overall I found the Kuva Twin Stubbas to be a powerful secondary weapon, one that I believe has room in mostly anybody's collection. Being an automatic Hitscan weapon it stands-out through its usability and raw damage per second. The one gripe I have is the climbing recoil it posses but it does stabilize at full fire rate and this can be further alleviated by using Steady Hands in the Plexilus slot.

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