Monday, January 21, 2019

Akstiletto Prime VS Prisma Twin Gremlins (Comparison) - Usability Meets Power (Warframe Gameplay)

We are looking at two of the most powerful secondary weapons in the game and either will yield good results in most circumstances. While I'd personally recommend you get both there are some differences between the weapons that could make one be the better build for you.

The biggest difference would the fact that the Prisma Twin Gremlins are projectile based so they will be more difficult to aim than the Akstiletto Prime which is hit-scan.
Critical chance weights in the favor of the twins and the status chance will be superior on the primes. It should also be mentioned that because of the increased fire rate and magazine size ammo can be an issue on the twins so you might have to use Carrier with ammo case.

Test results between the two weapons were similar but overall I find the Twins to be the more powerful weapon but they fall short of the Stilettos in terms of usability. Test were done using a corrosive build and a slash based build with Primed mods included.
Riven disposition also plays a potent role as the disposition is five out of five for the twins and only one out of five for the primes.

Overall it really comes down to the user but you will not be disappointed by either of these outstanding secondary weapons. I'd recommend you build both as they are more than worth it.

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