Monday, June 25, 2018

Warframe (Guide) - Kuva Fortress Spy Mission Pago Fast & Easy (Loki Gameplay)

I can't say that Spy Missions are my favorite but they can drop some very useful mods and various Warframe parts. In the case of Pago, the Kuva Fortress Spy Mission we can get the Harrow Neuroptics blueprint and whole bunch of useful sixty-sixty mods plus Cover Lethality so it's more then worth farming. The mission can be completed with virtually any frame in the game but stealth frames such as Ivara, Loki and Ash will have an easier time.

Hey guys, hello and welcome back. As always my name is Leyzar and today we're gonna do a guide on the Kuva Fortress Spy Mission, as fast as possible. But before we jump into any of that, why don't we check out the drop tables to see precisely what are we farming:

Unfortunately the First Vault is a little bit underwhelming, nothing interesting really drops here - Power Throw, Stabilizer and Steady Hands - these are all common unexciting mods sadly for the most part.

The Second Vault will drop Relics only - Limbo Prime and the Destreza Prime together with the Pyrana Prime just came out, and you can get the Meso D2, which can drop the Destreza Prime Blade, you can also get the Neo L1 which can drop the Limbo Prime Chassis blueprint.

But the interesting Vault is the third Vault - the best rewards come from this one - you can get the Harrow Neuroptics Blueprints and this one has an 11.28 % chance to drop, but you can also get Frostbite and Scorch. Now ... these are 60/60 Mods for pistols, Scorches for heat and frostbite is for cold, but you can also get Covert Lethality together with Frigid Blast, Power Throw as well can also drop, Hell's Chamber, Sniper Ammo Mutation, Shotgun Ammo Mutation  Thermite Rounds, which is the 60/60 mod for Rifle's heat damage ... and well ... that's pretty much gonna do it for the drop table.

As for what frame you should be using ... that's a bit subjective, because the mission can be completed with any frame in the game, however my recommendation for you would be to look into a Stealth Frame, whether you prefer Loki, Ivara or Ash, it doesn't really matter.

I'm going for Loki because he is the fastest, then can stay cloaked for long periods of time without much effort. I built a whole bunch of duration on Loki, 306%, but this is massively overkill and you don't need this much ...

Please check the link below to watch the entire Video Guide.

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