Friday, October 9, 2020

Amprex Build 2020 (Guide) - The Lightning King Updated (Warframe Gameplay)

The Amprex is perhaps one of the most famous weapons in Warframe. It won its fame by being an absolute powerhouse of a weapon while sporting great usability and a low Mastery Rank level. It's been two years since I tackled the Amprex build and I'm happy to report that even thou we got lots of new powerful weapons the Amprex can still hold its own!


The weapon features a frontal eighteen meter beam that arcs to additional targets losing half the damage with each jump.
Base Critical chance is set at a high thirty two percent with an above average critical multiplier of two point two and a solid status chance of twenty two percent. By default the Amprex deals electricity damage which means it can be made into pure Corrosive damage which is a big plus considering that most enemies in the Heart of Deimos are immune to Viral damage.
That said, you can still build the weapon for Hunter Munitions and Viral damage with the two dual stat mods and it will offer great results. As an option slot I'd recommend you have a look at Argon Scope, Heavy Caliber and perhaps even Vile Acceleration.

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