Monday, September 3, 2018

Boltor Prime Build 2018 (Guide) - The Ruthless Impaler (Warframe)

It is said that once upon a time the Boltor Prime was the weapon to have, but as with all rules, its time came to an end. While the Boltor Prime may not be overpowered, it still packs one hell of a punch.
You can opt for a full status and raw damage build, or you can try to go for a bit of a hybrid setup between status and elemental, however such an approach offered lesser results, so my recommendation would be a straight up elemental build with only two of the sixty-sixty mods depending on enemies.

When talking about the mods, there is nothing more mandatory than  Serration -  a hundred and sixty-five % extra damage; Then we're going to go with Multi Shot, Split Chamber and Vigilante Armaments. Out of the set bonus from Vigilante Armaments we're not gonna get any real benefit because, again, we're not going into Crit Chance. This one would be a bit more suited to the Telos, but again, you are getting that 60% Multi Shot plus Split Chamber, that's gonna mean a hundred and fifty percent, meaning that at a click of a button you're gonna be getting two guaranteed bolts, plus a 50% chance at a third bolt. 

We're gonna go into elemental damage, and elemental damage should always be applied depending on circumstances. For example, if you're going to fight Grineer I would recommend you build Corrosive, unless you know they're all gonna be equipped with alloy armor, in which case ... you build Radiation Damage. Radiation Damage is also what you use against Eidolons. Considering that the Boltor Prime is a projectile based weapon I don't really recommend it against Eidolons fights, so keep that one in mind.

Please check the link below to watch the full build / guide video.

Looking for Telos Boltor Build 2018? Then you can check this link: 

The weapon is fun to use and the build is not very expensive, only High Voltage can prove to be difficult to obtain but other then that nothing out of the ordinary.
Overall the Boltor Prime is an outstanding Primary Weapon and I highly recommended, the only real downside is the low Riven disposition of two out of five.

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