The Fragor Prime is an amazing Crit Weapon that really packs a wallop and while I can't say its my favorite Hammer there is no denying it's effectiveness.
And so passes another night of testing in the Simulacrum ... Hey guys, welcome back! As always my name is Leyzar and today we are gonna be talking about the Fragor Prime. I'm gonna outline a couple of Build options for it, also gonna show you a little bit of Riven Gameplay with it, so you can see exactly what this weapon is capable of, but please keep in mind that my builds, my guides, usually take a more New Player Friendly approach simply because there's a lot of things which are not explained and I really feel like I should.
So let's jump into the Fragor Prime Hammer and take a look at its base stats, then we're gonna talk about Mods options and so on and so forth.

You can also see that the Fragor Prime deals by default impact, puncture and slash damage which automatically makes it a candidate for Condition Overload, again the only issue is the status chance, is only 10%, so we're not
gonna get as much as I would have liked out of Condition Overload.
Now let's jump into the ... what I like to call ... the standard build. When it comes to stances you don't have 20 options, you have 2 - 3 options.

amplifying the critical chance so we want to get some Critical Damage ...
Please follow the link below to watch the entire Build / Guide for Fragor Prime Video. (including Warframe Gameplay): Fragor Prime Build 2018 (Guide) - Basic Crit & Endgame Riven
Please check this page for more Builds / Guides: LeyzarGamingViews: Warframe Builds, Guides, Gameplay
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