Monday, July 9, 2018

Dual Toxocyst Build 2018 (Guide) - The Infested Frenzy (Warframe Gameplay)

Some weapons have a twist, something that makes them special. One of those weapons is the Dual Toxocyst with its unique Frenzy buff. 

Going into this review I was not expecting much from this secondary weapon but I managed to find its true potential through the use of Arcane Avenger. The build is rather straight-forward and does not include anything overly hard to get. The weapon is held in check by its low base critical chance and the only viable way around is through Arcane Avenger as its bonus is additive.

Hey guys, hello and welcome back, as always my name is Leyzar and today we're gonna be diving deeper into this Mastery Rank 11 Secondary Weapon:  The Dual Toxocyst.

I'm gonna be covering a cheap build, something affordable that anybody can get into, but of course we also have the "Endgame" setup for a Riven. That being said please keep in mind that my builds and guides usually follow a more New Player Friendly approach, simply because there's a lot of info here and I want anybody watching this video to understand how the weapon functions and how it should be built, so if you're a veteran of the game and already know most of the basics then please bear with me.

Let's jump into the Dual Toxocyst and we will begin by checking out how the weapon handles without any Mods equipped, following up with a short stats analysis, as per the usual (Build Video)

I tried everything I could to make this weapon into a slasher, because I got a high-status chance and of course if I can get the Slash to be the highest ... I'm gonna be getting a lot of slashes out of it, unfortunately just slapping on Main even Razor Shot will not be enough simply because of the low amount of slash on the weapon. If you want to make it into a slasher with Viral you're gonna need a very specific Riven with " minus" puncture and "plus" Slash. In any case we rambled on enough, let's start slapping on some mods and the first thing as per the usual is gonna be Damage: Hornet Strike, mandatory on mostly any secondary when it comes to damage.

Please check the link below to watch the entire Build Guide Video (including setup for a Riven)

Is the Dual Toxocyst any good? The Dual Toxocyst demands a bit from the player but can be a rewarding weapon in the right hands. I highly recommend investing in Arcane Avenger if you enjoy the weapon and some fire rate in order to make it easier to refresh the Frenzy buff.

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