Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Quanta Vandal Build 2018 (Guide) - The Laser Lord (Warframe Gameplay)

In Warframe beam weapons are (currently) exceptionally strong, and the Quanta Vandal is no exception to that rule.
It sports two very different fire mods each with their own unique advantages. The primary fire shoots a fifty meter long pinpoint laser beam with a very good critical chance and critical multiplier while the secondary fire will launch volatile cubes that will explode after a set amount or can be detonated prematurely to double the explosion damage.

Hello and welcome back, as always, my name is Leyzar and today we will be diving deeper into this Mastery Rank 10 Primary Weapon - The Quanta Vandal. As per usual, we're gonna be covering a standard build, something affordable that anybody can get into, but of course, we also have the classic Endgame set up with a Riven. That being said, though, please keep in mind that my builds and guides usually follow a more New Player Friendly approach, simply because there's a lot of info here, and I want anybody watching to understand how the weapon functions, and how it should be built, so if you're a veteran of the game, and already know most of the stuff then please have a little patience. 
Now, with that out of the way, let's jump into the Quanta Vandal Build.

As per the usual, we will be starting by checking how the Quanta Vandal handles without any mods equipped, and a short analysis of the stats. Next: Mod capacity is 60 out of 60, and if your Quanta Vandal only has 30 out of 30,  then jump into actions and install an Orokin Catalyst. (In the video below you can find out how to obtain and how to use Orokin Catalyst).

My weapon has been format a total of six times, but this was done for the purpose of testing. For the weapon builds I'm recommending you guys ... 3 forma should do it.

The continuation of the guide can be found by checking the video down below.


As for as build options are concern you do have a couple of options. First would be a straight elemental build taking advantage of a targets weaknesses and the second would be a bleed / slash build through Hunter Munitions. My recommendation is to keep it to raw power with an elemental build as it has better results and can be more fun to play with.

It's all situational and preference based at the end of the day but the Quanta Vandal is one of those weapons that should be apart of everybody's arsenal and I highly recommend it.

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