Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Aksomati Build 2018 (Guide) - The Critical Barrage (Warframe Gameplay)

When a friend got a riven for this weapon I was all over him trying to snatch it from his grip (I was successful!) And thus began my experience with these outstanding pistols. Aksomati ... High Crit Chance and Crit Multiplier make this weapon into an absolute beast and while it may not be "the best" secondary weapon in the game there is no denying their raw power!

Hello guys! With  a Mastery Lockout of 9 ... these things sure can pack one serious critical punch! Please keep in mind that my builds and guides usually take a more "New Player Friendly" approach, simply because there's a lot of information here that most of the times simply get skipped over, and I feel that I should cover it, so if you're a veteran of the game please bear with me.

And with that out of the way, why don't we jump into the Aksomati. Let's take a look at how these weapon handles without any sorts of mods equipped. Now, I'm about 20 to 25 meters away from my target and I'm gonna start spraying. The accuracy is not exactly all that hot; It hits a lot of bullets outside of my cross-hair, so there is that to take into account. Another thing which I want you guys to notice is that it doesn't start off at full fire rate, it's got a bit of a spool up to it, pretty much like the Soma, because essentially these pistols are The Soma, condensed down into pistol version; 

In the next part of the guide we are gonna check the stats and talk about pros & cons, standard mod capacity, how to increase it and so on.
My weapon has been format a total of six times but for the weapon build I'm recommending you guys ... 5 should be sufficient. I only did 6 because I have a Riven and I also wanted to do a fair bit of testing.

Accuracy is 15.4 and as you saw, they're not extremely accurate. Critical chance is 24%, which is
outstanding, and the critical multiplier by default 3.0 ... and this is where the Aksomati shines: this is a 100% Crit Weapon. 

Fire Rate ... 12.5, which is pretty good, but again this fire rate is with the spool up already finished kind of ... Magazine capacity is nice at 70, Noise - Alarming, Reload ... 1.4  which is quite nice considering the Mag capacity of 70, and the Riven disposition is 4 out of 5, which means that the rivens for this weapon will be fairly powerful. 
Status chance unfortunately is only 8%, and this is where the Aksomaty suffers - that status chance ... if it was at least 10% ... it would have been so much better. By default, it deals Impact, Puncture and Slash Damage, with slash being the highest.
I'm going to tell you right now ... I tried everything I could to make this into a slash weapon with Viral ... it simply doesn't pan out all that well. 

Now let's slap on some mods and the first thing we should always do is go for flat damage. Hornet Strike is the mandatory Mod when it comes to pistols. and that is 220 % extra damage. This is not the only option; Something like Augur Pact can work as well. That's only 90 % extra damage, you have the added benefit of the set bonus but by all means, you shouldn't base your decision on the set bonus alone. Now Augur Pact is a pretty decent mod, but we're gonna talk about this one just a tad later.

Please click the link below to watch the full guide:

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