Saturday, April 6, 2019

Stradavar Prime Build 2019 (Guide) - The Slashing Symphony (Warframe Gameplay)

With the introduction of Equinox Prime we also get the Stradavar Prime which features a long list of buffs over the regular version but also a few nerfs as well.
Speaking of nerfs, the riven disposition of the Stradavar was reduced a little with the release of the weapon but the riven mods will still be very strong if you manage to get your hands on one.

The biggest buff is the increase in critical damage multiplier by zero point six in primary and zero point eight in secondary and of course, that's key to any critical weapon. Another important buff would the interchange between puncture and slash damage for the secondary fire mode which means that the Slash build is now tweaked in favor the viral sixty-sixty mods in order to increase the overall slash count.
Other than that we also got a slight base damage increase, higher accuracy, larger magazine, innate one meter worth of punch-through on secondary fire and a small two percent critical chance increase on the secondary fire mode.
A lot of attention was given to the secondary fire mod of the weapon and a lot less to the primary fire mode of the Stradavar Prime.
There are also to significant nerfs, one the lower fire rate on secondary fire and the second would be the fact that secondary fire mode now consumes two ammunition per shot even thou it's not a burst shot or a multi-shot. I'm not really sure what this is about since I don't see multiple bullets and the status chance doesn't seem to get divided either.

Throughout testing it became quickly clear that just like the normal version the Stradavar Prime prefers and performs better with slash base build through Hunter Munitions only this time we will double dip and build viral damage with the sixty-sixty mods.

Another new Prime weapon, another strong primary added to the collection. While the Stradavar doesn't offer anything groundbreaking it does have a certain flair to it and for some players, this might be the ideal combination of firing mods. I'm simply not one of those players.

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