Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gorgon Wraith Build 2018 (Guide) - The Status Gorgon (Warframe Gameplay)

I have always had a weak spot when it came to the Gorgons and while the Wraith Gorgon is not my favorite in the series it can still pack a punch.

The weapon features a low base critical chance of fifteen percent with a critical multiplier of one point nine but a good status chance of twenty one percent. Couple this with the high fire rate and ninety magazine capacity and we get a weapon that can apply tons of status effects to targets.
The Build is pretty straight forward with High Voltage being the only potential pricey mod but that can be replaced with Stormbringer in case you don't have the time or the plat.

I also tested various mod combinations to see how much I can get out of Hunter Munitions but at the end of the day a elemental setup such as corrosive will yield betters results.
One of the pluses to the Gorgon Wraith is the riven disposition of four out of five which means that you could potentially remove all the impact the weapon has and that would make it a lot more powerful. Riven mods are optional from my point of view but if you want to get the best damage out of a weapon look into damage / multishot rivens and if you can get minus impact that would be epic!

Overall the Gorgon Wraith is a good primary weapon fully capable of annihilating any target but it pales in comparison to other higher MR assault rifles such as the Tiberon Prime or the Supra Vandal or its big brother the Prisma Gorgon.

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