Sunday, January 6, 2019

Harpak Build 2018 (Guide) - The Whale Gun (Warframe Gameplay)

There are some weapons that are left forgotten and dusty somewhere in our arsenal, the Harpak is one such weapon. Featuring two fire modes and mediocre stats, the Harpak is a burst rifle with a Harpoon alt fire that can serve to crowd control important targets.
While the critical chance of twenty percent may not be stellar the critical multiplier of two point three is very nice so bonus critical additive after effect such as Arcane Avenger or Kavat buff will work very well for the weapon.
The weapon works fairly well with an elemental base build and a slash build through Hunter Munitions provided you can get the critical chance to a decent level. Adding Point Strike and Argon Scope to the weapon will result in a seventy seven percent critical chance and with Arcane avenger we can go to one hundred and seven percent. If we choose to go for a critical approach then Vital sense and Bladed rounds will bring the critical multi to about sever point eight which is more than respectable.
While I'm subjectively not a fan of Hunter Munitions base builds there is no denying that the Harpak functions a bit better with a build such as this.

To wrap everything up, the Harpak is a solid primary weapon in a sea of "solid" weapons which is probably the reason it doesn't get that much attention. It's not bad, it's not fantastic either but you do get a riven disposition of five out of five that can push the weapon out of the mediocrity pool.

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