Friday, May 18, 2018

Baro Ki'Teer the Void Trader (May 18th) - Quick Recommendations

Today, May 18th, Baro is back in town, so I want to give you a quick run-through of what he brought us this time, and give you my opinion on what's worth. I know you guys don't have like a million ducats and 20 million credits, so let's see.

I'm not gonna refer to things such as: cosmetics ... like the awesome optical skin, or the attachments for the sentinel, or maybe this unicorn like thing ... this is up to you guys if you like the cosmetics or not.

But when it comes to prime mods, we got prime Pistol Ammo Mutation, which I recommend you stay away from. It's honestly a waste this one; Should only be bought if you're like a collector and you want all the primes in the game (primed mods there is). Prime Pressure Point, Prime Reach and Prime Crowns however, are all power, and I do recommend you guys pick up all of them now. 

Out of the free the ... let's say weakest ... if you will, will be Prime Pressure Point, because the difference between the prime version and the normal version is only 45% melee damage, and it costs a lot to actually put it up to 165. So if you don't have enough ducats, or enough credits, and you only can buy two .... then Prime Reach together with Prime Cryo Rounds should prove more worth.

Prisma Tetra ... now this weapon looks absolutely amazing, and if you're a fan of the Prisma ... you're probably gonna get this one anyway, but if you're looking for a super high-end, kick-ass weapon ...  this is not it. 

If you want to find out more about the Vulkar Wraith, Prisma Shade, Kavat masking kit, and so onplease check the video below: