Thursday, November 15, 2018

Ocucor Build 2018 (Guide) - The Flabby Tendrils (Warframe Gameplay)

The Ocucor is a mastery rank eight secondary beam weapon added to Warframe with the Fortuna update. It sports a low critical chance of only sixteen percent and a base critical multiplier of one point eight. The status chance is beefy at twenty four percent and the weapon features a unique mechanic where it will start firing tendrils that automatically latch to enemies when you get a take-down.
The tendrils resent once the weapon is reloaded but this can be bypassed by using the Eject Magazine mod which can be obtained by doing Conclave.

I have tried many approaches to the Ocucor but the one that gave the best results was hybrid with critical chance and critical damage and two sixty sixty mods but overall the performance of the Ocucor was rather lackluster.

While the gimmick is cool, I don't see the need for the energy tendrils to be reset on reload as even with all of them active the weapon doesn't perform fantastically well. In my opinion the tendrils should remain active once you have achieved the necessary amount of take-downs. Overall the Ocucor is a mediocre weapon with an interesting yet lackluster gimmick.

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