Friday, January 10, 2020

Aksomati Prime Build 2020 (Guide) - The Enhanced Bombardment (Warframe Gameplay)

Many secondary weapons get released in Warframe so it's easy for some to get lost in the crowd. The Aksomati was a secondary weapon that I always appreciated but it could not compete with the more powerful available options. Enter the Aksomati Prime which hopefully will change that.

The Prime variant received a slightly higher magazine of eighty, slightly better fire-rate, ten percent extra damage and the biggest buff of all an extra ten percent status chance for a total of eighteen (up for eight). As you can see, much like the Baza Prime, the Aksomati Prime was a very cautious buff on the part of the developer. Why exactly that is I'm not sure but maybe they didn't want to release something to strong before going on vacation and leaving an overpowered weapon run rampant. The Weapon performs well with an elemental setup decent at best with a slash based setup and yes, it does outperform the normal Aksomati by a significant margin. Let's be clear, this is not a weak weapon by any stretch of the imagination but it's not exactly a front runner either. If you are looking for a good bullet hose style of secondary than the Aksomati Prime is a strong option provided the build is correct. Riven Disposition three out of five which is individual nowadays and I would recommend you get at least one hundred percent critical chance than look for Multishot, critical damage and/or damage on your Riven Mod.

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