Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Baza Prime Build 2020 (Guide) - The Silent But Deadlier (Warframe Gameplay)

Together with Ivara Prime we got the announcement of the Baza Prime and I was super excited because I loved the original Baza. Sadly the stat increases for the prime version are not that hot but they do amount to a decent buff overall.

We get a "massive" two percent extra critical chance while the critical multiplier remains the same. Status chance also sees a small increase, from ten percent to fourteen percent. Damage remains the same but the magazine capacity is increased by fifty percent and the reload time has been decreased from one point four to one point one.
Just like the normal version The Baza Prime performed well with most builds I threw at it but it still remains a mediocre performer in terms of damage but a champ in terms of usability. This is why I find the choice of keeping the same damage and layout a bit puzzling. To make a long story very short if you want a slightly better version of the Baza than go straight for the prime. The biggest buff is the increase to the magazine capacity in combination with the reload speed which results in better up-time and more streamlined Gameplay. So Yes! The Baza Prime is totally worth building but sadly it's not that huge of an upgrade over the normal version.

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