Monday, July 16, 2018

Despair Build 2018 (Guide) - The Stalker's Warning (Warframe)

The glorious stalker drops a couple of interesting weapons, one that has always kept my attention was the secondary weapon The Despair

Hello and welcome back! As always, my name is Leyzar and today we are going to be talking about  the Despair, an MR 4 Secondary Throwing Weapon. I have a couple of builds laid out for you, something something cheap and affordable, that anybody can get into, but of course we also have the classic “Endgame” setup for a Riven. That being said though, please keep in mind that i will be covering a lot of the basics, so if you are a veteran of the game, and already know most of the stuff, then please, bear with me.

As per the usual, we will be starting by checking how the Despair handles without any mods equipped, and a short analysis of the stats, so we can see what are the weaknesses and advantages (Video). After that we will continue with the actual build and Riven setup.

Please check the link below to watch the entire Build / Guide video for The Despair .

I don't use The Despair so much at this point because there are more powerful secondary weapons, but it still remains my "go to" secondary for spy missions. The build is pretty cut and dry and the base stats kinda tell the tale. In terms of raw power it's a decent weapon but not extraordinary.

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