Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Convectrix Build 2018 (Guide) - The Outcast (Warframe Gameplay)

I was told (sometime ago) that veiled shotgun rivens are awesome unless Convectrix or Sweeper. With one completely out of the way I decided to give the Convectrix a chance and what I found is a lot of wasted potential.
The Convectrix is a Beam Shotgun with an awesome critical multiplier of two point four but a low base critical chance of sixteen percent. The weapon also features a thirty percent status chance with it being divided among the two beams it fires. Being a slash based weapon you can chose a viral setup to maximize slash value but from my testing the weapon worked better with straight damage builds and not forcing the status chance as unlike most shotguns it's not getting divided among a ton of pellets, only two beams.
Due to the high critical multi but low base critical chance, effects such as Arcane Avenger will have a visible impact on the weapon and It will synergize very well with Harrow or the Kavat buff.

I'm honestly disappointed that a gimmick is keeping this weapon back as I believe it would be a lot better without it.

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