Saturday, September 8, 2018

Rakta Cernos Build 2018 (Guide) - The Crimson Hunter (Warframe)

From the Red Veil comes one of the best bows in the game! The Rakta Cernos and it's outstanding Veil specific Blight proc. This one triggers when you obtain around two thousand affinity during missions, and it will let out an area of effect explosion (twenty five meter radius) that will do one thousand viral damage and restore some of your energy while offering a speed boost as-well.
The weapon features fast charger rate with only zero point twenty five per arrow, high base critical chance of thirty five percent with a critical multiplier of two point zero.

Hello and welcome back, as always, my name is Leyzar and today we will be diving deeper into this Mastery Rank 12 primary weapon - The Rakta Cernos. As per usual, we're gonna be covering a standard build, something affordable that anybody can get into, but of course, we also have the classic endgame set up with a Riven. 

Let's jump into the Rakta Cernos and we will begin by having a look at how the weapon behaves without any mods equipped. For that I'm simply gonna be taking a couple of free shots. The Rakta Cernos is a traditional bow in every sense of the word. You have a charge at time, you will release an arrow, it has travel time and it does have a ever so slight drop off ... you see that? It's not all that bad, especially if you're not taking into account super long-range shots, so in essence, it's pretty easy to use as far as both are concerned. 

Now, if you take a look at the lower right corner you will see next to ammo a very interesting symbol ... it kind of looks like a feather of sorts. That is the symbol of Red Veil ... where you get this weapon from. Now, if you don't have the Red Veil syndicate you can buy it from the trade chat, people charge for this one around 40 plat, something like that. Anyway, the point of that symbol is that while you're doing missions you will be getting affinity (even if you're maxed on all your weapons and your Warframe or Sentinel). Once you get 2,000 affinity, you will release an AoE blast, 25 meter radius, dealing 1000 viral damage, and applying the viral status effect. You're also going to be getting 25% of your base energy back, and a 10% movement speed for 30 seconds, and this is one of the reasons that people love the Rakta Cernos. This is the syndicate proc of Red Veil.

Next we will continue with a short analysis of the stats (video below)

My weapon has been format a total of two times, and this only for testing. The Rakta Cernos by default does come with two polarities: we have two V's and one Dash, so it's definitely not a forma heavy weapon. For the weapon builds I'm recommending you guys ... you can even get away with no forma.

Riven disposition is 2 out of 5. Now, the Rakta Cernos, and not only (the Cernos family in general) is kind of popular, so therefore the Rivens aren't really gonna be all that spectacular, still 2 out of 5 though, from my point of view still worth getting. 
Status chance is 15%, and a whole lot of impact on the weapon. Sadly, this is the biggest problem it has ... if it was Puncture, or if it was Slash, then the Rakta Cernos would have been a lot stronger. Unfortunately for us, it's primarily a impact weapon.

Let's start slapping on some mods, starting with the mandatory ones.

Serration, 165 % extra damage, then we're gonna move over to Multi Shot with Split Chamber. We're not gonna stop there and we're also gonna be adding Vigilante Armaments.  Basically this is a bow, but it does take rifle mods. So we're gonna get 90% from Split Chamber, and 60% from Vigilante Armaments, totaling a hundred and fifty percent Multi. That means that I have a guaranteed second arrow, with each and every shot, and a 50% chance at a third arrow. Also, this is primarily a Crit weapon, so I'm gonna be seeing some crit ups from the set bonus on vigilante armaments - not all that much, once again ... Vigilante armaments set bones should be taken into account as an afterthought and nothing more.

Please check the link below to watch the full build / guide video:

As far as weapon build are concern, the best approach is running a Hunter Munitions focused build together with Argon Scope and Bladed rounds. Although Viral damage is always a good idea, when it comes to slash builds I don't recommend it with this type of weapon as it's very unreliable. Overall it would be hard for me to chose only one bow. Thankfully, I don't have to, as we can use all of them with no restrictions.

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