Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Kohm Build 2018 (Guide) - New Player's Best Friend (Warframe)

More often than not a weapon's Mastery Lockout is not necessarily representative of its power, The Kohm is one such weapon.

Hello guys, my name is Leyzar and today we're gonna be diving deeper into this Mastery Rank 5 Shotgun - The Kohm. As per the usual, I'm gonna be covering a cheap build, something affordable that anybody can get into, but of course we also have the classic Endgame setup,with a Riven. That being said though please keep in mind that I will be covering a lot of the basics, so if you're a veteran of the game and already know most of this stuff then please bear with me.

And with that out of the way let's jump into the Kohm Shotgun. We will begin by checking out how the weapon handles without any mods equipped and a short stats analysis.

Mod Capacity - 60 out of 60 (if yours have only 30 out of 30 the watch the video below to learn how to increase it). 

My Kohm has been format a total of 5 times. This was done for the purpose of testing, but for the builds i am recommending you guys, 2 - maximum 3 should be enough. The way to forma: jump into "Actions", hit "Polarization" and you will be able to cycle through the available symbols. You have three basic symbols "V" or Madurai , Vazarin  and "Dash" or Naramon. Adding a polarization to a slot will mean that we're gonna be able to get the drain of Mods down by 50%, rounded up. So, for example, if I slap on Primed Point Blank in a non-polarized slot it will drain the stated amount of 12. However if I put it over a matching polarization Madurai ... it's gonna go down to 6. Alternatively if you put it over a non-matching slot, like the Naramon, it will go up to 15, and this is why players add forma to basically everything in the game, so we can get the drain cost down, so we can add more powerful mods, and don't worry I'm not gonna tell you to put "Primed this" or "Primed That"....at least not for the time being.

Kohm Riven Disposition? Now I know this can be a bit confusing, you see the five little dots, that means that the Riven Disposition is 5 ot of 5. The more popular a weapon is, the lower this Riven disposition will be. The less popular a weapon is ... the higher it will be. A high Disposition means that the Riven Mods will be extremely powerful, so once again, at full 5 out of five you will see stuff like this ... look at that ... crazy amounts on Riven's (video), and of course vice versa applies ...Low Dispo will mean low stats on Rivens.

When talking about Mods we're gonna start with the mandatory Mods for the Kohm.
Damage: Point Blank is mandatory, and if you have prime versions of any of the mods that I recommend, then by all means go right on ahead and use your Primed versions. For the sake of presentation for the initial build we're gonna keep it new player friendly. Now 90% extra damage is nice but we're also gonna be adding Blaze. This is a fantastic Shotgun Mod 60% damage and 60% heat.

Please check the link below to watch the entire Build Guide Video for The Kohm.

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