Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Phantasma Build 2018 - Revenant's Might (Warframe Guide)

Shotguns are currently some of the most powerful weapons you can wield in Warframe, and we just got a new addition in the form of the Phantasma. We are looking at a beam shotgun that functions similarly to the Phage, but with a Zarr-like secondary fire with improved target tracking and targeting. The primary fire will channel five frontal beams, with a twenty meter range which functions similarly to the Ignis, as the beams go through all of the targets withing the twenty meter range. Secondary fire can be charged up to increase damage and resulting projectiles, and it primary fires one big plasma globe which will split into multiple after impact.

The best way to approach a Phantasma Build is to obtain 100% status chance through the use of the sixty-sixty mods, of which we need only there without a Riven Mod. This can make the weapon go through heavily armored targets like a hot knife through butter.

When talking about the Phantasma's Build, as per the usual, we will be starting by checking how the weapon handles without any mods equipped, and a short analysis of the stats. (Video)

Next, we are taking a look at the mods, starting with the mandatory ones, and there is nothing more mandatory than Damage: Point Blank, 100% mandatory, and you can also go for Blaze, which will add 60% damage and 60% Heat. Blaze is a terrific shotgun mod, extremely powerful pound-for-pound it adds a ton of damage. For now we're gonna leave it alone, and I'm gonna explain why that is, just a tad later. 
Next we're gonna go into Multi Shot, we already know that it doesn't increase our status chance and you can also pick up Vigilante Armaments, for additional 60% Multi Shot. What does Multi Shot do in the case of the Phantasma anyway? (Let's leave Vigilante Armaments alone for now) 120 % Multi Shot will mean that for primary fire I'm gonna be getting 11 beams, up from 5 beams, and fur secondary fire I have a guaranteed second bomb, and a 20% chance at a third bomb, so that is pretty huge. You will see that when it comes to Multi Shot it's extremely impactful for both secondary and primary fire. 
Next we're gonna go into elemental damage, and I want to get my true status chance of 100%, so we're gonna need 3 of the sixty-sixty mods. Which of the three sixty-sixty mod will be dependent on your circumstances.

Please check the link below to watch the full build / Guide Video

The Phantasma enters Warframe as one of the best shotguns in the game, although it's not without limitations, ammo economy being its primary fault. Although the weapon is strong, I see no real reason for it to be nerfed considering what other beam weapons we have and what other available shotguns. It's good but it's not THAT good.

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