Friday, June 15, 2018

Warframe (Gameplay) - Sacrifice Full Quest (Excalibur Umbra & Umbral Mods)

Hey guys, hello and welcome back. As always my name is Leyzar and today we are gonna talk about The Sacrifice Full Quest (Excalibur Umbra & Umbral Mods)

So what did we get ?
New Wraframe : Excalibur Umbra
New Sword : Skiajati Nikana
New Melee Mods : Sacrificial Steel, Sacrificial Pressure

New Warframe Mods : Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify

Alright, so here we are in game and I can already notice a couple of changes in the interface; They changed up and tweaked little things that make it look a bit more smooth, a bit more refined for example ... check out the credits, the Platinum, the booster and everything, the sounds when you click a button, check it out when you hover over them, how they look, little nice tweaks that make the game seem a bit more mature,

They kind of changed the whole UI, even stuff like the Arcanes and all whatnot .... but anyway we're not here to take a look at this, we're here to play the brand new quest Sacrifice.

Please check the video below for the full Walkthrough of The Sacrifice Quest :

So ... I did not see this one coming at all. Always felt like the Warframes where sentient beings, something more then simple machines. Can you imagine ? The story behind each and every frame ? What kind of people where they ? What happen to them and what stories will they share with us. This is a goldmine but the best part for me is that it personifies Warframes.

The Sacrifice is a main quest that follows the Operator in their search for the Lotus, who has been taken by Ballas for unknown reasons. They are aided by a new Warframe, Excalibur Umbra, who possesses unusual abilities and has strong ties with Ballas.

The quest was first teased at TennoCon 2017 and was teased on the WARFRAME site. The Sacrifice was released on PC June 15, 2018 with Update 23.0.

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