Friday, April 8, 2016

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay - Johanna of Tarth Build

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay in Team League featuring Johanna on Dragon Shire. Joey excels on this battleground because of her very potent wave clear, on Dragon Shire you wave clear as fast as you can then start rotating to bot/top and try to gain an advantage like that while not losing the XP off your lane. HotS Team League Gameplay using the Master Johanna skin and Judgement Charger Mount. 
Draft 05:48

The Build I used is pretty much meta, she does have very little wiggle room when it comes talent diversity and for the time being she is the most tanky tank you can have.

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Overwatch Gameplay - Competitive Play Ranked Gameplay (Pharah, Junkrat)

New Overwatch Update brings Competitive Play (Ranked). With this update we got a new wave of cosmetics but also other improvements such as Per-Hero customizable controls. This was my first ranked game with my friend Archamus and I played Pharah with the Security Chief skin, Junkrat and Bastion with the Overgrown skin

Overwatch is an upcoming multiplayer first-person shooter in development by Blizzard Entertainment. Unveiled at BlizzCon 2014, the game emphasizes cooperative gameplay using a cast of various "heroes", each with their own abilities and roles within a team. The game entered closed beta in North America and Europe on October 27, 2015, with plans to bring the beta to Asia at a later date. The game is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in the first or second quarter of 2016. Unlike previous Blizzard releases, there are no plans for a version of Overwatch for OS X

The pre-order of the game was announced and made available for pre-purchase on on November 6, 2015

There are still no Beta keys or key, account are flagged manually so be sure to sign up for the beta!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Gazlowe Build Guide Rework

Gazlowe Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm. He received a massive Rework in Patch 17.0 (Dehaka Patch) in the effort to offer Gaz more viability and talent diversity. There are a couple of builds that have surfaced after the rework (TNT, Laser & Turrets) but none have actually impressed me up until this point, at the very least he can be played in more ways. From my perspective he remains a rather weak hero who can work well only in specific circumstances and/or at lower levels of play. For the time being I will still not recommend the sly goblin from ranked Gameplay, there are TONS of better options then Gaz.
Game Play start 11:53

TNT Build
Laser Build
Turret Build

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings

Monday, April 4, 2016

Support Leyzar & Ani on Patreon!

My name is Leyzar, together with my wife Anisya we created the YouTube gaming channel LeyzarGamingViews which was initially a passion project born out of our undying love for gaming!
We offer a unbiased perspective on our favorite games, we have a much more analytical approach when it comes to more important subjects such as taking a look at a business model but never forget to have fun which remains the true essence of gaming (if you ask us at least :D)

What do we cover ?

Currently we focus heavily on Warframe as it is our favorite game.
We have the following formats :

-Build Showcase
-Build Guide
-Weapon & Warframe Review/Preview
-Live Reactions to unveils
-News & Updates

Game Reviews This is the format I enjoy most. I try to offer a solid point of view on games witch I find interesting in the hope that it will give you all the information necessary to make a decision regarding a tittle. 

Twitch Stream We stream a variety of games such as Warframe, Heroes of the Storm, PUBG, Smite, Fortnite etc. The main goal of the streams is to offer a bit of entertainment while playing with you guys <3

The "Official" Schedule is only for two hours each weekday but we often go for 4 even 5 hours.

And anything else we think is interesting and would be worth showing!
Perhaps the most important thing is that we try to keep our viewers up to date with what is going on in their favorite game! Not everybody wants to sit and check 20 websites every couple of minutes so we provide this service.

Why should you support us ?

This one is pretty simple, If you enjoy what we do, if you find value and entertainment in our videos and you want to help us keep making these videos then that's all there is to it.
The rewards should be seen as an added bonus, the reason you would want to support us is that you enjoy our content and want us to keep on creating it...but a little perk never hurt nobody :D
Our content will always remain free and any support you consider is worth pledging so we can go on creating our content is greatly appreciated.

Thank You! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Leyzar & Ani

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Stitches ARAM, Rexxar HotS Quick Match)

A bit of Heroes of the Storm Gameplay with Stitches & Rexxar. Some Random HotS Quick Match and ARAM on Lost Cavern. Sunday night i usually get together with Hugz and we talk about the latest changes to the game. These times are usually fund and we thought we share them with you!
Game Play Start 4:30

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Tracer Gameplay Preview (Abilities Spectre Skin )

We got some Tracer Gameplay footage, the first Overwatch Hero that will join the Heroes of the Storm Roster! Also Showcased the HotS Spectre skin for Tracer (launch skin) and a brand new mount.

Tracer is by definition a ranged assassin. She can go in, pick off or harass enemies and return with her Recall (E) ability. Dustin Browder explained that those who played her in Overwatch might have an advantage in understanding how she moves.

However a few changes were made to adjust her to Heroes of the Storm. For instance, when she Recalls (E) in Overwatch she regains her original HP, but in Heroes that does not happen, instead only debuffs are removed!

Players need to be very careful when playing as Tracer, preferably staying with their team and combo'ing her abilities with theirs. If they wander alone, warriors like ETC and Muradin can easily lock her down and kill her.

Trait & Active Skills
Reload: Tracer is able to use basic attacks while moving. Activate to reload all your ammo over 0.75 seconds. This activates automatically when ammo reach 0. Basic attacks consume ammunition.

(Q) Blink - Moves rapidly toward the target location. It Includes 3 charges. Cooldown: 6 seconds

(W) Melee - Performs damage to an enemy, giving priority to the closest one. Hitting non-hero enemies gives 5 charges of Pulse Bomb. Hitting Heroes grants 10 charges (possibly % based). Cooldown: 8 seconds

(E) Recall - Returns the player to the position they were 3 seconds ago. Also recharges ammunition and cleanse all negative debuffs. Grants 1 second of invulnerability. Cooldown: 30 seconds

Heroic (R) / Pulse Bomb - throws a bomb that sticks to the first target hit, doing high area damage or 2x that damage if it hits a single target.

Dealing damage charges this ability!
Tracer has only one Heroic and that is available from level 1. At level 10 she gains the ability to augment Pulse Bomb with a talent.
Adhesive pump - Increases the radius by 50% and slows enemies hit by 60% for 30 seconds - (error in the article? possibly 3 seconds?)
Quantum event - The Pulse Bomb no longer deals area damage, but deals additional damage based on 15% of your maximum energy to a single target.
Pulse Ammo - Doubles the range of the Pulse Bomb and basic attacks against Heroes recharge it 50% faster.

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Kael'thas Build Guide Rework

Kael'thas Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm. This is after the huge Rework Kael received in the Dehaka Patch (17.0). The fire mage is fundamentally changed and now has some nice build diversity, players can opt for either a AoE Focused damage build with Flamestrike or can go for a more single target focused build with talents such as Sunfire Enchantment and Sun King's Furry. HotS Quick Match using the Master Kael'thas Skin and Void Speeder Mount. For me one thing is clear... he no longer can be called OP and whether or not he will be part of the current shifting meta I cannot answer at this point, will just have to wait and see.

AoE Build Used :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (HotS News) - Tracer Abilities & LvL 10 Talents

Tracer has been confirmed as being the next Ranged Assassin for Heroes of the Storm (HotS)
Source :

Abilities :

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Sylvanas Build Guide Rework

Sylvanas Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm after the major Rework she received in the Dehaka Patch (17.0). There are many things that changed for the Banshee Queen but maybe the most important thing is that she's got a new Heroic Ability in the form of Mind Control. The old heroic ability Possession has been made into a talent which you can pick up at level 7. Initially i was worried that the rework will cut down on her Hero damage while increasing her pushing power. Thankfully this is not the case and Sylva can still dish out good hero damage. One of the lower point of the rework is that Cold Embrace (lvl 13 talent) will no longer apply the vulnerable effect to all the targets it spreads to, instead just the initial target. HotS Quick Match Gameplay using the Ranger General skin and the Judgment Charger mount.
Game Play Start at 15:50

My Recommended Build... just try to keep in mind that builds should varry on your circumstances. Don't take any Sylavnas build as the "God Build"

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Illidan Build Guide Rework

Illidan Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm, this is after the major Rework in the 17.0 Patch (Dehaka Patch). Ever since the scaling changes where introduced to HotS Illi has kinda fallen from grace... he use to need Abathur and Rehgar in order to be viable. With these awesome changes Illidan no longer requires a on specific team composition to be viable. We will probably see more tweaks here and there for him in the following weeks to come but for now the demon hunter is back in play! HotS Quick Match using the Master Skin and Space Lord's Starbreaker mount.
Gameplay Start 13:02

Recommend Illidan Build :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Li-Ming still Hot

Heroes of the Storm Li-Ming Gameplay using a makeshift Build. The plan was to make a Q Magic Missiles Build however the circumstances forced me to stray from my original plan ending up with a weird build, but hey.. it worked XD. HotS Quick Match using the Star Princess Li-Ming skin and her throne the Treasure Goblin mount.

Not even gonna like this gameplay build because it's rather pointless XD. However this is the build i wanted to do :
Not meta.. just a off the wall build.

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings

Monday, March 28, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Tychus Build Guide Rework

Tychus Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm, this is after the major Rework he received in the Dehaka Patch 17.0. Great many changes where brought to the "Notorious Outlaw" forever changing his gameplay and making him into a precision tool. Tychus Findlay is now the Tank Buster, many of his abilities and talents dealing health percentage based damage. HotS Quick Match using the Infested Legendary skin and MechanoSpider Mount. These changes will more then likely see the marine get banned in ranked gameplay (when trying to build a multi warrior composition)
Game Play start at 14:23

The Build used in this Gameplay Guide :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Overwatch Gameplay - Feeling the Pain on Route 66

We have a new Escort map (formerly know as Payload) in the form of Route 66. Overwatch Gameplay with Soldier 76 & Junkrat. The new map looks cool and it will take you a couple of games to find out how to approach it

Overwatch is an upcoming multiplayer first-person shooter in development by Blizzard Entertainment. Unveiled at BlizzCon 2014, the game emphasizes cooperative gameplay using a cast of various "heroes", each with their own abilities and roles within a team. The game entered closed beta in North America and Europe on October 27, 2015, with plans to bring the beta to Asia at a later date. The game is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in the first or second quarter of 2016. Unlike previous Blizzard releases, there are no plans for a version of Overwatch for OS X

The pre-order of the game was announced and made available for pre-purchase on on November 6, 2015

There are still no Beta keys or key, account are flagged manually so be sure to sign up for the beta!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Dehaka Build Guide Tutorial

Full Dehaka Gameplay Build Guide Tutorial in Heroes of the Storm or HotS for short. This game was played on the PTR but the new Starcraft Warrior will be let lose on the live servers 29th March. In this specific format we go through each of the talent tiers and I give you my thoughts on all talent choices, and make recommendations of what to pick and when. Heroes Quick Match using the Mecha Dehaka Skin with the Blue tint. Ultimately I give you my thoughts on the specific Hero at the end of the gameplay. Please keep in mind to always take all information with a grain of slat. Gameplay start at 21:21

The Recommended Build :
The Build I used for this game :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Overwatch (News) - Weekly Brawl, Achievements, Route 66 (Patch 28072)

Overwatch (News) - Weekly Brawl, Achievements, Route 66 (Patch 28072)

Official Patch Notes :

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Hero Changes | Talent re-works (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 2)

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Reworks: Kael'thas Illidan Tychus Sylvanas Gazlowe (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 2)

Key Topics :
- Kael'thas Rework 12:48
- Illidan Rework 1:23
- Tychus Rework 24:49
- Sylvanas Rework 40:46
- Gazlowe Rework 36:00

Official Patch Notes :

It is impossible to predict how all of the changes will play out or how they will exactly affect the meta. For now all I can promiss is updated build guide videos for each of the re-work heroes. From all of this I take away the new pleasant form of "quest talents" blizz came up with. A job well done from my PoV

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Ranked Draft Bans, Lost Cavern (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 1)

Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Ranked & Unranked Draft Bans, Lost Cavern ARAM Map (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 1)

Key Topics :
- Bans in Ranked and Unranked Draft
- New Hero Dehaka
- Lost Cavern custom games ARAM map
- Custom Quick Cast settings
- Updated Ranked Requirements
- Death Recaps

Official Patch Notes :

Where do I even start ? This patch came in with a flurry of changes, including 5 full hero reworks for Gazlowe, Sylvanas, Tychus, Kael'thas and Illidan (these will be covered in the second part). For now let's dive into bans, the new hero and battleground, more customization controls, death recaps... and the list goes on and on. One of the most comprehensive HotS Patches we have ever gotten, but I feel a lot of clean-up will be needed before the game is "balanced". Clearly we are on the right track and S1 cannot be to far off!

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Dehaka Tank Build

Dehaka Gameplay using a Ability Damage mitigation tank build in Heroes of the Storm. I prefer the sustain healing tanky build for our new Starcraft Warrior but the circumstances where ideal to pump up or Dark Swarm ability (W) to mitigate ability damage and also reduce crowd control effects, this being very important when you are the only warrior on your team. One thing is clear to me, Dehaka is not a front line tank like Johanna and Muradin, he is more of a bruiser like Artanis or even Sonya. HotS Quick Match on the Cursed Hallow Battleground using the Mecha Skin. That's all for now but stay tuned for my full build guide and ofc Rank 1 Ranked Gameplay.

The sustain heal build :
The ability damage mitigation build :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Dehaka on Lost Cavern

Heroes of the Storm Dehaka Gameplay on The new Lost Cavern Battleground. This brand new HotS map is only available in Custom Games and it fits perfectly for ARAM. The earlier info on the new Starcraft warrior was a bit off , he is a melee warrior classified as medium difficulty to play.. not easy. Also slight differences on how his abilities work. All and all i played him for a few games and he is certainly a bruiser, but the full story will be in my Build Guide. Also tons of other improvements have arrived with Dehaka, such as custom quick cast controls per each hero, tons of reworks to a lot of heroes and finally we get BANS for Ranked Gameplay. I will bring you all my usual content and there is plenty to cover so stay tuned! I am working on a full tank build but for now this is a work in progress having only played a couple of games with him.

Full talents and abilities for Dehaka :

Who is Dehaka ?
Dehaka lost his large right arm prior to the Swarm's return to Zerus; it was later to be found in the same area where Sarah Kerrigan defeated the other primal pack leaders.

When the Zerg Swarm returned to Zerus, Dehaka initially opted to simply observe the Swarm and Kerrigan. He witnessed the newcomers awaken Zurvan and the primal-infestation of Kerrigan.

Dehaka perceived Kerrigan as the strongest zerg. He and his pack welcomed the new power by allying with the Swarm, believing Kerrigan would lead them to new essence. Dehaka correctly predicted that the other pack leaders would refuse to similarly adapt; the other pack leaders were destroyed by Kerrigan, including Zurvan. Kerrigan confronted Dehaka afterwards, confirming that Dehaka had known that Zurvan would turn on her. He did not deny this—one zerg would grow strong, the other would fall. Dehaka remained with the Swarm.

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings..

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Abathur Build Guide

Abathur Gameplay Build Guide featuring the toxic nest build in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). The match took place on the Infernal Shrines battleground and even thou the opposing team managed to obtain the first two punishers we pulled through late game with a couple of decent team fights and thus securing Victory! In this format we go through each talent tier and I give you my thoughts on what are the viable choices and in what scenarios. The current meta doesn't really favor Aba but there are niche situations where he can be instrumental in winning a game.

The recommended build :

Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X.