Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Prisma Grakata Build 2021 (Guide) - The Way of True ❥Dakka❥ (Warframe Gameplay)

Some weapons are played simply because they are powerful, other weapons are played because they look cool and some weapons are played because of how fun they can be. This is the story of the Prisma Grakata.
Sporting some good overall critical stats and status chance the Prisma Grakata offers the player a spray and pray experience. More than just a regular bullet hose, The Prisma Grakata features some Grakata only mods or augments that serve to further optimize the whole shower of bullets play-style.

With a magazine of one hundred and twenty and a reserve of another thousand there's plenty of bullets to go around but when we factor-in the amazing fire rate mode Wild Frenzy then that ammunition reserve starts to look a whole lot smaller. This can be fixed by using another Grakta only mod from Conclave called Brain Storm. This mod will allow us to maintain a healthy ammunition consumption as long as we can get headshots consistently. That however is easier said than done considering the jumpy and erratic recoil the weapon has. Enter another mod that we almost never used called Vile Precision. The negative aspect of this mod is canceled out by the Wild Frenzy trigger which sets the weapons fire rate to a flat un-modifiable four hundred percent.
All of this results in rather average results but with the added benefit if a quirky, gimmicky and subjectively cool and fun build.

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