Saturday, February 6, 2021

Attica Build 2021 (Guide) - A Forgotten Gem (Warframe Gameplay)

There are a lot of awesome weapons in Warframe which have been forgotten for one reason or another. Today, I want to shed a little light on an old favorite of mine, The Attica

The weapon features an automatic trigger and fires bolts with a quick travel time and excellent critical stats. While the status chance may not be the best, the base damage is very high at eight with the very large majority of it being puncture.
From this point onward a standard Viral setup with Hunter Munitions will offer good results and I'd recommend exploring Vile Acceleration, Argon Scope and Primed Shred as your option slot. Since we're discussion options I would also unlock the weapon Exilus slot and use some Projective Flight Speed With Terminal Velocity.
Riven Disposition is a huge plus for the Attica. Sitting at five out of five due to the weapons low popularity. This means we can leverage cheap prices for Rivens and as always Multishot is kind when it comes to stat priority. This can results in easily dispatching high level targets.

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