Monday, July 15, 2019

Seer Build 2019 (Guide) - Almost Decent (Warframe Gameplay)

In Warframe we are treated to all sorts of weapons. Some stronger, some weaker and the Seer would definitively qualify for the second category. That said, it doesn't mean that with a lot of resources and some time you can't make this weapon into something half-decent. For the most part it should be treated as a mastery fodder weapon as there are a lot of superior secondary weapons that you can sink your resources into.
Critical chance and multiplier are abysmal, the status chance is decent at thirteen percent and the base damage is not that bad but it's an equal spread between Impact, Puncture, and Slash. You can try to make it this weapon into a status slasher but the results are discouraging the say the least.

So who is this gun for? I'd say for veteran players of Warframe that seek a challenge but that's pretty much it. Solid pass on this one unless you're simply curious.

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