Saturday, February 20, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Li-Ming Build Guide - After the Nerf

Time to update the Li-Ming Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm! After the nerf Liming has a gimped version of Astral Presence which turns my focus more towards mana management and the Level 1 Power Hungry Talent. Other nerfs include less shield for Diamond Skin and a bit less damage for Arcane Missiles. Maybe the biggest nerf is the bonus ability power Tal'rasha brings, down to 10% from 20%. Quick Match on the Infernal Shrines Battleground, used the Star Princess Li Ming skin and the Treasure Goblin mount.

Big Boys Build :

Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X.