Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Stukov & Xul on the PTR - Live now @ https://www.twitch.tv/leyzargamingviews

Watch live video from LeyzarGamingViews on www.twitch.tv
Join us on the PTR (type /join LGV in chat)

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Xul Rework & Bone Visage Skin (HotS Xul Gameplay)

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Xul Rework & Bone Visage Skin (HotS Xul Gameplay)
Full Xul Rework on the PTR and also a brand new skin! Bone Visage! with 5 different variations. Right now it would seem that a bruiser like W build is the way to go.

Patch Notes Here :

Monday, July 3, 2017

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Stukov First Impression (HotS Stukov Gameplay Quick Match)

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Stukov First Impression (HotS Stukov Gameplay Quick Match)

Stukov grew up on Earth, rising through the ranks of the United Powers League alongside his friend Gerard DuGalle. Both men were competitive throughout their youths and constantly played at getting the best of one another. Unlike DuGalle however, Stukov spent most of his military career in top-secret research rather than in actual combat, constantly striving to push the limit of conventional technology and physical theory to increase the effectiveness of UPL troops in warfare. His views on the subject were considered unconventional.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

NieR: Automata Playthrough (Gameplay) - Meeting the Resistance (Let's Play NieR Automata Part 2)

NieR: Automata Playthrough (Gameplay) - Meeting the Resistance (Let's Play NieR Automata Part 2)
This is a basic walkthrough / playthrough of NieR: Automata Gameplay.

NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful machines.

Humanity has been driven from the Earth by mechanical beings from another world. In a final effort to take back the planet, the human resistance sends a force of android soldiers to destroy the invaders. Now, a war between machines and androids rages on... A war that could soon unveil a long-forgotten truth of the world.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Heroes of the Storm (Hero Preview) - Stukov Talents & Abilities (HotS St...

Heroes of the Storm (Hero Preview) - Stukov Talents & Abilities (HotS Stukov Preview)
Alexei Stukov (also spelled Alexi Stukov) is a human from Earth. He was the vice admiral of the UED Expeditionary Fleet and tactical advisor to the UED Admiral Gerard Dugalle.

Bio-Kill Switch
Activate to detonate all of Stukov’s Viruses. Each Healing Pathogen heals its target for 500 health, and each Weighted Pustule does 100 damage and Slows its target by 70% for 2 seconds. Can be cast while channeling Lurking Arm.
Basic Abilities

Healing Pathogen (Q)
Infest an allied Hero with a Healing Pathogen that heals the target for 240 Health over 4.5 seconds. Healing Pathogens can spread to a nearby allied Hero every 0.75 seconds, and a single Healing Pathogen can spread to each allied Hero 1 time.
Can cast it on self, and spread to self.
Cannot spread to targets to whom it has already spread.
Weighted Pustule (W)
Hurl a pustule that impacts all enemy Heroes in its path, dealing 20 damage and Slowing by 5%, increasing to 50% over 3 seconds. Deals an additional 80 damage upon expiring or being removed.
Lurking Arm (E)
Channel at a target location, creating an area that Silences enemies inside and deals 144 damage per second to them. Deals 50% reduced damage to non-Heroes. Does not cost Mana while Channeling, and lasts until canceled or interrupted.
Heroic Abilities

Massive Shove (R)
Extend Stukov's arm. If it hits an enemy Hero, they are rapidly shoved until they collide with terrain, taking 200 damage. Stukov gains 50 Armor while shoving an enemy.
Flailing Swipe (R)
Swipe 3 times in front of Stukov over 1.75 seconds, dealing 50 damage to enemies hit and knocking them away. Each swipe is larger than the previous.