Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Two New Heroes Teased (MAYBE Diablo Wizard & Kel'thuzad or Zul'jin ?)

Two new Heroes where just teased on Twitter & Facebook for Heroes of the storm.
First voice sounds like the Female Wizzard from Diablo III 3 and the second one I am not sure of... can be Kel'thuzad can be Nerh'zul can be Zul'jin ? Can't really pin-point it.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Diablo & Tyrande Kill Compilation (Meta Combo Love)

The dreaded combo Tyrande & Diablo
Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Diablo & Tyrande Kill Compilation (Meta Combo Love)

The recipe is simple: you take one piece of Diablo and put him in lane with Tyrande.
Press Q button (Overdrive) on Diablo character, grab the target and flip it around. Tyrande stays on her toes and instantly uses her lunar flare, and apply hunter's mark on the target. After that ....fire at will! job's done, target acquired and hopefully target dead!
A match made in Heaven!

Video done by Ani

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Greymane Kill Compilation (Heavy Metal Edition)

The Worgen Lord Greymane now has his own Epic Gameplay Kill Compilation (montage) in our preferred moba Heroes of the Storm (HotS). From the Warcraft universe he is a hybrid between a melee assassin and a ranged assassin. He brings a new playstyle constantly shifting between ranged and melee and is classified as a hard to play Hero (with good reason). Throughout the video you will see his Ringmaster skin which makes his transformation be into Lion form instead of Wolf form (pure cosmetic)

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Greymane Build Guide (HotS Quick Match)

The time has come to do a full Greymane Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm. It's a HotS Gameplay format in Quick Match where we go through all of a heroes talents and see what is viable and when. Greymane has great build diversity and there are a couple of different ways you can build him in. I will also share with you my thoughts on hero at the end of the Guide. Ringmaster skin and Ringmaster's Pride Mount, uncle Sam color tint

Whos is Genn Greymane ? :
Lord Genn Greymane (sometimes spelled as "Graymane") is the king of the nation and kingdom of Gilneas.

He is a large bearish man, with thick features, and a heavy beard, a blue doll and black and gray armor. He is a brawny warrior who must be in his seventies, and has ruled Gilneas for decades.

Time and again, King Genn Greymane has been forced to make difficult decisions to sustain Gilneas’s well-being and autonomy. Following the Second War, he ordered the construction of the seemingly impenetrable Greymane Wall to protect his people from outside threats, effectively closing off the nation from the world and its petty conflicts. For years the wall did as intended, but when the worgen curse spread into Gilneas, the enormous barrier began to resemble the gateway to a prison rather than a sanctuary. Now, with Forsaken in nearby Silverpine Forest and the worgen curse poised to destroy everything that Genn and his forebears had labored to build, Gilneas’s proud king must do everything in his power to save his kingdom. Due to his anger over the dire situation, however, Genn’s most arduous trial ahead might be subduing his own fury before it consumes him entirely.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay - Greymane, Hybrid Build (Rank 1 Hots Hero League)

Greymane Rank 1 Ranked Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). The game was on the Garden of Terror Battleground with a bad early game from my team which we managed to turn around mid to late game. Even thou we had the infamous early game combo we did not manage to capitalize on our advantage. A series of mistakes made by the enemy team allowed us to get back in the game and ultimaly securing victory after a close and very tense game. I used Hybrid build for Greymane, and I am still working on the build guide. Keep in mind that when the first seasons starts there will be a Grand Master rating above rank1.

The Build Used :

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay - Johanna, Meta Build (Rank 1 HotS Hero League)

Johanna Rank 1 Ranked Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). The game was on Blackheart's Bay with a very good early game from my team which got us our heroic abilities well before the enemy team. A series of mid game mistakes where made but in the end we came out on top having the stronger team coposition. I used the meta Johanna build, nothing special just sticking to the tried and true recepie. Keep in mind that when the first seasons starts there will be a Grand Master rating above rank1.

The Build Used :

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Heroes of the Storm - Greymane Gameplay - Poke Build (HotS Quick Match)

There are many ways to play Greymane in Heroes of the Storm. This poke build is A way of going about it. Certainly not my favorite Gameplay for the King of Gilneas but that doesn't mean it cant work good for you. HotS Quick Match using the Ringmaster Skin and Ringmaster's Pride Mount.

The Poke Build :