Sunday, October 11, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Raynor Build Guide (Marshal Skin & Outr...

Raynor Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm under the format of a Build Guide which will take you through all of the viable talent choices for this Ranged Assassin and recommend what you should pick and in what circumstances. In this HotS Quick Match i used the Marshal Raynor Skin and Marshal's Outrider mount. 

Some Lore on Jim :
James Raynor was the most decent man I ever encountered during the fall of the Confederacy. Everyone else, I can safely say, was either a victim or a villain or quite often both. At first glance, Raynor seems like a backwoods cowboy, one of those good old boys swapping lies about the days gone by. There's a cocksureness, an overconfidence about him that makes you bridle initially. Yet over time you come to see him as a valuable ally and — dare I say it? — a friend. It all comes from belief. Jim Raynor believed in himself and believed in those around him. And from that strength came the strength that allowed him and those who followed him to survive everything else the universe threw at him. Jim Raynor was a most decent and honorable man. I suppose that's why his is the greatest tragedy in this godforsaken war.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Tyrande Build Guide (HotS Quick Match)

Tyrande Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). In this Quick Match i used the Warden skin and Lunar Tiger Mount. We will go through all of the viable talent options and decide what we should pick and when depending on what build we are going for. Currently there are 3 viable builds for her, Sentinel Build, Meta Build and Auto Attack Build.

Some Lore :
Tyrande is the passionate, compassionate, brave, wise and occasionally rash, leader of the night elf (Kaldorei) people. As such she is also the former leader of the night elf Sentinels. She is also the High Priestess of Elune, chosen by Elune herself, and worships Elune with total submission and adoration. She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will do almost anything to help or protect him. Tyrande is a caring soul at her core, and is willing to do anything to protect those she loves and is sworn to protect — which these days means the entire kaldorei race. For what she has done for them, she is highly beloved by the vast majority of kaldorei and refered to sometimes as "the shining light of our people." She is decisive, and may take courses of action that others find disagreeable, but always has the well being of Kalimdor at the forefront of her thoughts. Illidan Stormrage once observed that she looked like a goddess herself in her war regalia, a compliment Tyrande was reluctant to accept, given her inherently peaceful nature. Tyrande is in many ways the perfect avatar for Elune on Azeroth: she is a caring and gentle soul when she needs to be, but is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her home and her people. Tyrande was originally daunted by her task, but found the strength needed to adapt with the support of her beloved Malfurion.

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Chen Build Guide (HotS Quick Match)

Chen the Legendary Brewmaster got a few changes so as you requested a brand new Heroes of the Storm Gameplay (1080p 60fps). I believe that the the buffs he received recently do help a little bit but he definitely need some additional love. Hopefully Blizzard will have additional buffs for him in future patches. In this HotS Quick Match I used the Warmaster Skin with the Blackheart's Doubloon mount. We will go through all the available talent choices and see what are the viable options and in what conditions.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Stitches Build Guide (Return of the Hook)

With the recent buffs to Stitches I thought its time to do another Gameplay Build Guide for him in Heroes of the Storm. In this HotS Quick Match I used the Chef skin and the Treasure Goblin mount. My overall feeling on him is that he no loner is weak but far from the power he once had which overall is a great outcome and we will be seeing him show up more often in competitive play. We will go over all of the viable choices when it comes to actual talents for Stitches and I will give you my feedback regarding what we should pick when and why

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay - Lt. Morales, Meta Build (Rank 1)

I promised you Lt. Morales Rank 1 Ranked Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm (HotS) and i deliver. This was a very tight game in Hero League with both teams giving their all to win the match. I have enjoyed the game and i believe this proves that the Medic can be used as a solo support healer. Keep in mind that when the first seasons starts there will be a Grand Master rating above rank

Can you count the Novas ?

OK, last one i promise!