Saturday, September 19, 2015

Overwatch Gameplay - Torbjorn (Abilities & Lore)

Overwatch Gameplay series keeps going with the Defense role Torbjorn.
New franchise from Blizzard Entertainment and we would like to give you all information asap. We are doing a full abilities and lore story series for each of the Heroes in this new Brawler. This particular game is on the WATCHPOINT: GIBRALTAR map (battlefield) in Payload mode.

There are no Beta keys at the moment but you can sign up for Overwatch here :
I would also like to the add that the beta should go live in the Autumn of 2015.

Full Abilities :

Warcraft 3 (Gameplay) - Rexxar's Origin - The Founding of Durotar (To Tame a Land - Part 4)

I thought it would be cool to show Rexxar's Origin so that means Warcraft 3 Gameplay. Here we get to see him for the first time but not only, Thrall, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Nazgrel, Drek'thar, Chen and many others are also present. This was done in 1080p 60fps although the game did not support this resolution. The forth part of the first mission (To Tame a Land) in The Founding of Durotar Bonus Campaign for Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Rexxar Build Guide (HotS Quick Match)

Time to do a proper Build Guide for Rexxar so that means Heroes of the Storm Gameplay (1080p 60fps). In this HotS Quick Match we will go over what viable talent choices we got for him and his Bear companion Misha. Keep in mind that all information presented in this video reflects my views on the current (time of publishing) state of the actual Hero. With the recent bug fixes brought to Rexxar I believe we can get a accurate feeling for this hulking half-ogre

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Warcraft 3 (Gameplay) - Rexxar's Origin - The Founding of Durotar (To Tame a Land - Part 3)

I thought it would be cool to show Rexxar's Origin so that means Warcraft 3 Gameplay. Here we get to see him for the first time but not only, Thrall, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Nazgrel, Drek'thar, Chen and many others are also present. This was done in 1080p 60fps although the game did not support this resolution. The third part of the first mission (To Tame a Land) in The Founding of Durotar Bonus Campaign for Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.

Heroes of the Storm (HotS) - Infernal Shrines Easter Egg

This is the hidden Easter Egg Secret on the Infernal Shrines Battleground in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). Just follow what is showed on screen and you can unlock it to. The weapon appears to be the Butcher's Axe.

Heroes of the Storm (HotS) - Battlefield of Eternity Easter Egg

This is the hidden Easter Egg Secret on Battlefield of Eternity Battleground in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). Just follow what is showed on screen and you can unlock it to. The blade appears to be the refurbished Quel'Serrar

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Arthas Build Guide - Crown Prince Skin ...

Arthas Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm using the Crown Prince Skin and Judgement Charger Mount. With The Lich King being free for this week I thought that a Build Guide would be useful. So that means HotS Quick Match time with a bunch of the LGV community. You can join to on the EU server, just type /join LGV in the chat and we will talk more there

A bit of Lore :
Prince Arthas Menethil was born by Lianne Menethil to King Terenas Menethil II, four years before the start of the First War and is their youngest child. The young prince grew up in a time when the lands of Azeroth were ravaged by war, the Alliance was crumbling, and darker clouds still loomed on the horizon. As a young child, he became friends with Varian Wrynn.

As a youth, Arthas was trained in combat by Muradin Bronzebeard, the brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard, and became an adept swordsman. Under the tutelage of Uther the Lightbringer, Arthas was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand at the young age of 19. The ceremony was held in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City, and it was then that Arthas was given the holy mace called Light's Vengeance.
Despite his rash and headstrong behavior, Arthas became a renowned warrior. One of his more famed exploits was counterattacking a group of forest trolls striking at Quel'Thalas from Zul'Aman.
It was during this time that Arthas met the youngest daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, the sorceress Jaina. Over the years, they grew close as friends, and then romantically. They were very much in love with one another. But, eventually Arthas would question whether the two of them were ready to be together. Arthas would abruptly end the relationship so Jaina could focus on her magical studies in Dalaran and Arthas could focus on his commitments to Lordaeron. Shortly after, they would agree to rekindle their romance, but this was during the beginning of the Scourge invasion that would change both of their lives forever.