Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Warcraft 3 (Gameplay) - Rexxar's Origin - The Founding of Durotar (To Tame a Land - Part 1)

I thought it would be cool to show Rexxar's Origin so that means Warcraft 3 Gameplay. Here we get to see him for the first time but not only, Thrall, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Nazgrel, Drek'thar, Chen and many others are also present. This was done in 1080p 60fps although the game did not support this resolution. The first part of the first mission (To Tame a Land) in The Founding of Durotar Bonus Campaign for Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3 (Gameplay) - Rexxar's Origin - The Founding of Durotar (To Tame a Land - Part 2)

I thought it would be cool to show Rexxar's Origin so that means Warcraft 3 Gameplay. Here we get to see him for the first time but not only, Thrall, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Nazgrel, Drek'thar, Chen and many others are also present. This was done in 1080p 60fps although the game did not support this resolution. The second part of the first mission (To Tame a Land) in The Founding of Durotar Bonus Campaign for Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Heroes of the Storm - Rexxar Gameplay (Kill Compilation)

Rexxar the renowned hunter now has his own epic Gameplay Kill Compilation in Heroes of the Storm (HotS) at 1080p 60fps. He is one of the most iconic figures in Warcraft and is known for punting the bases of Orgrimmar along with Thrall, Chen, Gazlowe and Nazgrel. All the while being added by his beast companions, most known of which his bear Misha.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Valla Build Guide (HotS Quick Match)

The Demon Hunter Valla is a star of the Nexus currently being one of the most popular assassin in Heroes of the Storm Gameplay. In this HotS Quick Match Build Guide we will be going throw all the current viable choices for her, what you should pick and when. Keep in mind that all information presented is accurate at the time of publishing and reflects my views.

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Rexxar Review (A Hulking Mess)

I believe a Gameplay (1080p 60fps) Review for Rexxar in Heroes of the Storm is needed at this point. This is a new format where I review Heroes in under 10 minutes providing you with all the information you need. In this first Episode we have the first ever Ranged Warrior to Enter the Nexus in HotS.

Recommended Build Guide :

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Rexxar Jungler Build (Blackheart's Bay)

Time for one more Rexxar Gameplay in Heroes of the Storm, this time we are going for a Jungler Build. Jungling is not really a thing in HotS but it can be viable depending on the Battelground you are on and ofc your own team setup, in any case I thought it would not hurt in Quick Match to try this out and show it to you guys. I am still getting to grips with this Ranged Warrior and I can see his potential in ranked Hero League or Team League but I will let you guys know the full story in my Full Build Guide. 

Rexxar was one of the few orcish warriors who had been formed from a union between orcs and ogres. Rexxar was originally part of the pacifist Mok'Nathal clan, based on Draenor in the Blade's Edge Mountains, under the watchful guard of his father, Leoroxx. But their pacifist ways gave him no reason to stay, and despite his father's wishes, he joined the Horde and left through the Dark Portal. The beastmaster was accompanied by a large black wolf, Haratha, his loyal companion. 

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Rexxar, Champion of the Horde Build (Fo...

Rexxar has just been launched so that means Heroes of the Storm Gameplay (1080p 60fps). The infamous hunter is the first of his sub-class and that is "Ranged Warrior" so he brings a new style to HotS. Is he viable in ranked ? Should You buy him ? Those questions will be answered in time as i would hesitate to make a ruling at this point before i get a guide out. In this video i used the Frostlord skin and Tyrael's Charger mount.

Lore :
Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, is a half-ogre, half-orc beastmaster[1] of the Mok'Nathal clan, and may be one of the last half-ogres of the clan. He saved the city of Orgrimmar from the hatred of an enemy of the Horde. He was instrumental in assisting the Horde after the fall of the Burning Legion. Due to his mixed lineage, he is a towering and massively muscled warrior, and he wields his two huge axes with tremendous skill and ferocity. Rexxar is always seen with his loyal bear companion Misha.
Prior to World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, the warrior wandered a path from the Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains along the main road through Desolace and continued to the Twin Colossals in northern Feralas. Currently, he can be found in Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains of Outland, protecting the settlement against ogres and gronn while trying to find more of his people.