Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hek Build 2020 (Guide) - The Mega New Player Modding Tutorial (Warframe Gameplay)

The Hek shotgun is perhaps one of the most beloved primary weapons in the game. Today we'll take a great length about it but more importantly this is a complete new player modding guide.
As such we're going to cover topics such as damage types, resistances and vulnerabilities, status chance and status effects, enemy defenses and general how to mod weapons in Warframe.

Getting back to the Hek, it sports a low ten percent base critical chance. This will make critical builds through Hunter Munitions a bit more difficult but thanks the power of HM these builds are still somewhat viable. Status chance is set at ten point seven percent per pellet with sever pellets being fired by default so the weapon is more than capable of applying tons of status effects.

As for a elemental combo of choice I'd recommend using the current king as in Viral damage since it will perform very well in most cases.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Riven Collection & The Memories Attached to Them (Warframe)

With the Easter Holidays upon us I was reminiscing about some of my old times in Warframe and the people I use to have fun with. This also gives me a chance to show you my complete Riven Mod Collection along with some of my thoughts on the weapons they belong to.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Akbolto Prime Build 2020 (Guide) - My Favorite Secondary ❤️ (Warframe Gameplay)

We're looking at a projectile base semi-automatic pair of pistols which fire bolt projectiles. This means that you need to lead your targets even thou the projectiles travel speed is relativity high.
Base Critical chance is high at thirty six percent and the Critical Multiplier is also strong at two point eight. Status chance is the lower point of the weapon sitting at only fourteen percent and the weapon is punctured based primarily although there is a negligible amount of impact and slash as-well.
As before the weapon performs decent if not great with a variety of builds. The safest bet when it comes to elemental combos would the Viral damage ever since the first mainline patch of 2020 which destroyed any sort of build diversity we had and instead replaced everything with even more generic builds that before.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Opticor Build 2020 (Guide) - Say 🧀Cheese🧀 (Warframe Gameplay)

About a year ago we finally got a variant for the Opticor but it was a departure from the original recipe. Some players still wanting to experience the original feel of the Opticor. Me being one supporter of the OG Opticor.
The weapon has a very long charge time and it can be fired fully charged or half charged nut the damage will also be half of what it could be. By default the Opticor ha a staggering fourteen hundred damage total. Critical chance is decent at twenty percent and an above average critical multiplier of two point five. All this makes for a weapon that hits very slowly but about as hard as a freight train when build correctly.
Speaking of build, the Opticor ca be build in a couple of different ways. You can max out your critical stats and simply go for Hunter Munitions as the value of the slashes are just hilarious but you can also go for a straight-up elemental build for the biggest wallop worth of damage in an instant.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Arca Plasmor Build 2020 (Guide) - What Have They Done To You!? (Warframe Gameplay)

For the longest time the Arca Plasmor was my favorite shotgun in Warframe but time moves on and thing changed. Today we'll find out if the Arca Plasmor ca still pack a pun with the right Build. The biggest issues that the Plasmor faces are the careless status mechanic and status effect changes. Ever since the weapon has under-performed no matter how much time or effort is sunk into this once glorious weapon.

Base Critical chance is good at twenty two percent but the base critical multiplier is sub-par at only one point six. Status chance is also solid at twenty eight percent base but if you take into account the low fire rate, magazine capacity and lengthy reload than it doesn't look all that appealing anymore. The Strength of the Arca Plasmor was always the massive projectile it fires which has the capability of going through multiple enemies with three meters of width and body Punchthrough. This has not changed so if you're looking for some AoE clear for lower level content than look no further than the Arca Plasmor!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Aklex Prime Build 2020 (Guide) - The Dual Deagles (Warframe Gameplay)

The Aklex Prime is the first weapon ever to require Mastery Rank of fifteen but it was never one of the most powerful secondary weapons to build. What it lacks in raw dps it makes up for in pure epic style. The weapon sounds like thunder and it hits like a runaway train but it does have some usability issues.

The recoil is obnoxiously high but Steady Hands in the new weapon Exilus mod slot will fix the build. Reload is also on the exaggerated side at three seconds. I recommend using Stunning Speed if you can't stand the long reload duration.
On the plus side the weapon has very good base stats. Twenty five percent critical chance with a multiplier of two point zero and a status chance of twenty five percent. Sadly most of the damage is puncture which works great when dealing with heavily armored targets but is an issue if you want to proc slash on your targets. For that one would need a minus puncture riven and you would also have to use main on the Aklex Prime Build.
Speaking of Riven mods, the disposition is only two out o five but the prices for Aklex Rivens are decent. To be perfectly honest I don't understand how this weapon is so popular but it is what it is.
Another topic of note is that the weapon is only available when Baro brings the Axi A2 relics so you can either buy the parts from the trade chat or you can wait until The Void Trader decides to bring the goods.