Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mara Detron Build 2020 (Guide) - The Pint-Sized Pop (Warframe Gameplay)

For the better part of two years I have been recommending the Mara Detron as one of the best secondary weapons in Warframe. Recent status mechanic and elemental changes seek to change that so today we'll have a look at how the Mara Detron should be Build after the new changes and what kind of performance we can expect out of it.
Let's get one thing out of the way really quick. The weapon is nowhere near it's old performance level. Not by a long-shot. This does not mean that the weapon is not worth building however as it can still pack a considerable punch and is fully capable of taking-out high level targets.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Strun Wraith Build 2020 (Guide) - The Bounty Shotgun (Warframe Gameplay)

Once upon a time the Strun Wraith was an absolutely outstanding shotgun fully capable of melting high level targets. Time passes, things change and the Strun Wraith needs a new build in order to perform as the old one hundred percent true status chance build can no longer offer great results.
The status chance changes hit the Strun Wraith hard and now we're forced to focus more on obtaining critical chance slashes through the use of Hunter Munitions. This was a viable option in the past but before it was only an option and not the must have. Sadly with the new changes build diversity has been shattered on a lot of weapons and we no longer have as many viable builds to chose from. On the other hand this makes building weapons a bit more foolproof which I'm starting to believe was the whole point to these changes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dex Sybaris Build 2020 (Guide) - The Burst Slasher Revised (Warframe Gameplay)

The Dex Sybaris is a burst rifle that we get for free as a part of the Warframe yearly celebration. The weapon is on par with the prime version with its own story to tell.
Critical chance is very good at thirty five percent base which makes it a prime candidate for Hunter Munitions build. The Status chance is very low at only ten percent and the ideal elemental combo will be viral by default thanks to the recent status effects changes.

Because of the recent changes the Dex Sybaris lost a bit of build diversity but hopefully the developer will not leave things as is.
Another option you have in terms of build is to go full critical chance and critical damage with Argon Scope and Bladed rounds. Thou this seemed to offer more modest performance in comparison to using the Viral sixty-sixty mods. As always, I showcase both and you chose whatever you prefer.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dex Furis Build 2020 (Guide) - Beginner's Bullet Hose (Warframe Gameplay)

The Warframe celebration always comes bearing gifts! If those gifts are actually worth something is another story.

Today we'll be diving deeper into the Dex Furis. A Warframe yearly anniversary weapon which uses Afuris rivens. So in essence it's a stronger version of the Afuris. It presents a unique design which is subjectively a lot more awesome than the standard version.
We're looking at a magazine capacity of one hundred with a strong fire-rate of twenty, critical chance of only fourteen percent with a decent critical multiplier of two point zero. Status chance is strong on the other hand at twenty eight percent sporting the full array of IPS with puncture being the highest by a significant margin.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Dread Build 2020 (Guide) - The Stalker's Coup de Grâce (Warframe Gameplay)

I don't remember my first Warframe encounter with the Stalker. But I do remember finding the Dread blueprint in my foundry. This was the start of a beautiful friendship!
Today we'll be re-taking a look at the Dread bow so we can Gage what effects did the status and IPS chances had on it.
We'll start from the old standard build and deconstruct it to see if we have any better options. The Dread is very powerful when it slashes and it can easily one-shot high level targets so name of the game becomes ensuring as much as we can that slash proc. This lead me into a situation where I recommended a mod I never had before. Namely, Hammer Shot.
While the updated build is similar in terms of performance to the old Viral build it's still a wee bit better. This showcases how little power the Dread lost because of all the recent changes and for that I'm glad!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tigris Prime Build 2020 (Guide) - The Tiger's Tale (Warframe Gameplay)

The Tigris Prime has been siting at the top of the DPS charts for quite the while. The build was simple, straight forward and relatively cheap if we take into account the power level of this gorgeous shotgun.
With more recent updates status chance got a rework, enemies got weaker scaling and all the elements got touch-ups so things have changed a bit.

For the build we will still aim to get as much Status chance as we can without introducing unwanted elements or combos. Three of the sixty-sixty mods plus Shotgun Savvy which recently got a buff. Due to the low base critical chance of the weapon and the fact that Blunderbuss is so weak we will be ignoring modded critical chance. We can still go for Crit but only using bonus additive effects.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Change for Change’s Sake - New Old Status Effects In Warframe

Today we got some rather interesting news. Or so I thought. The status effects in Warframe will get reworked as a direct consequence of changing how the status mechanic works in Warframe.

Source HERE