Thursday, September 23, 2021

Ambassador Build 2021 (Guide) - After The Fix (Warframe Gameplay)

With the Sisters of Parvos weapons came a lot of weapons. Some great, some less than that and some even bugged. Huge Surprise? Maybe not but because of these issues the Ambassador started off with a bad reputation. Now, with most of its problems fixed we can properly review it.

The weapon features tow fires modes. One is your standard assault rifle affair and the second is a charged shot that can be held until the opportune time. This also features an small six meters explosion at the point of contact that deal similar damage to the projectile making contact with the target. For this reason, shooting for the feet is not the optimal way of using this weapon. If you chose this route than you're renouncing about 40% of the damage. Not to mention the six meters drop off.

In terms of base stats this one is also a tad on the puzzling side. Base critical chance is low at fourteen and sixteen but the multiplier is high at two point eight. Obviously, bonus additive after effects such as Arcana Avenger will synergize beautifully well with this weapon.

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