Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Artanis Build Guide Tutorial

Artanis now has a mini gap-closer added to his default kit, more precisely to his W (twin blades). For this reason we are going to go for a full Gameplay Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm or HotS for short. With the buff to his base kit also came a nerf to his base health and health regeneration (-5%). These changes do help the StarCraft warrior but I still believe that the main issue with him is the lack of control over his Q (Blade Dash). In this format we go through each of the talent options and I give you my thoughts on what to pick and in what circumstances. The game was carried out on the Dragon Shire Battleground and I used the master skin and the Nexus Battle Beast mount (at patch 17.4) Gameplay start 7:09

My recommended builds :
Tank Artanis :
Damage Artanis :

What is Heroes of the Storm or HotS :
Heroes of the Storm (originally titled Blizzard DOTA and later changed to Blizzard All-Stars) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game features heroes from Blizzard's franchises including Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft and The Lost Vikings.